small business benchmarks

Tax & Super Newsletter Budget Edition May 2015

June 2015

In this issue:The 2015-16 Federal BudgetBudget measures affecting Individuals and FamiliesThe ‘Small Business’ package of Budget measuresBudget measures affecting Large Businesses The 2015-16 Federal Budget The 2015-16 Federal Budget was handed down on 12 May 2015.The intention...

Tax & Super Newsletter June 2015

June 2015

In this issue:Nil activity statements must be lodged GST – avoiding common errors Court finds individual contractors to be employees Good record keeping for small businesses Time to sell?Nil activity statements must be lodged If you have Activity Statements to lodge, even if...

Tax & Super Newsletter April 2015

May 2015

In this issue:Beware scam emailsATO website update for Director Penalty Regime Work-related Expenses – ATO focusDo not let yourself disappear – ATO’s (anti) fraud videoSuperannuation guarantee rateSuper contribution capsAre you paying super fund fees unnecessarily? Correcting...

Tax & Super Newsletter December 2014

December 2014

In this issue:What does a higher FBT mean for your businessYour holiday house and family arrangementsWhat is negative gearing? Christmas year-end tax checklist for business What does a higher FBT mean for your business? Small business owners should write in their...

Tax & Super Newsletter November2014

November 2014

In this issue:Bad news for business  Allowance for travel (and some common mistakes)  Rewarding staff with FBT free benefits at ChristmasBAD NEWS FOR BUSINESS The increased thresholds for the small business instant asset write-off and the loss carry-back offset for companies have now...

Tax & Super Newsletter October 2014

October 2014

In this issue:A tax deduction for your commercial website Dun & Bradstreet’s tips to ensure prompt payments ATO targeting work-related deduction claims  Employee v’s contractor – main issues and consequences of getting it wrong A tax deduction for your commercial website There...

Tax & Super Newsletter March2014

March 2014

In this issue: Claiming car expensesEmployment tax issues - Allowances V's ReimbursementsSmall business benchmarks - Retailer takes a hit in ATO audit Car expenses - a very popular deduction, but you've got to get it right Each year, the Tax Office reports that work-related expenses are the...

ATO Small Business Benchmarks

March 2011

The Australian Taxation Office continues to release a range of small business benchmarks to help businesses in meeting their tax obligations. More than 100 benchmarks have now been released. The benchmarks have been developed based on information reported by small businesses on income tax returns and...

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