ATO Ramps Up Cash Economy Letters
March 2011The ATO has recently stepped up its cash economy letters program to small businesses. The ATO have indicated that around 100,000 letters will be issued to businesses over a 12 month period that are operating outside the small business benchmarks for their particular industry.Part of this program...
Employer Super Obligations on ATO Radar
March 2011The ATO is currently conducting a compliance project on certain “high risk” industries (e.g. road freight transport, electrical and automotive repair and maintenance) to identify employers who are not meeting their superannuation guarantee obligations.Given this increased compliance focus, it is...
ATO Small Business Benchmarks
March 2011The Australian Taxation Office continues to release a range of small business benchmarks to help businesses in meeting their tax obligations. More than 100 benchmarks have now been released. The benchmarks have been developed based on information reported by small businesses on income tax returns and...