Resources to help understand and Implement Single Touch Payroll (STP) - March 2019

Parliament has passed legislation to extend STP reporting to all employers from 1 July 2019

Single Touch Payroll (STP) changes the way employers report their employees’ tax and super information to us.  

Employers with 20 or more employees

STP reporting started gradually on 1 July 2018 for substantial employers (those with 20 or more employees).  If you have not started reporting through STP, the ATO has information to help you get ready. If you need more time, you can apply to the ATO for a deferral.

Employers with 19 or less employees

Parliament has passed legislation to extend STP reporting to all employers from 1 July 2019.

Talk to your software provider to find out what you need to do to update your software and start reporting.

Click here for the ATO’s STP landing page.

See also:

  1. About Single Touch Payroll
  2. Get ready for Single Touch Payroll
  3. Report through Single Touch Payroll
  4. Single Touch Payroll for employees
  5. News, events and resources related to STR
  6. Single Touch Payroll employer reporting guidelines

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